A decade of Police Scotland - fewer officers, more work

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A decade of Police Scotland - fewer officers, more work

Post by newspotted »


In the 10 years since it came into being, Police Scotland has achieved its primary purpose of saving the public purse hundreds of millions of pounds.

But as the force enters its second decade, the relentless financial pressure has left it facing an uncertain future.

A great deal has happened, good and bad, since the country's eight regional forces merged into one on 1 April 2013.

On the plus side, it is now difficult to get away with murder in Scotland thanks to major investigation teams whose expertise is dispatched wherever required.

Of the 580 homicides in the past decade, only one has not resulted in a suspect being reported to prosecutors.

And the Scottish police has successfully dealt with a string of high-profile, high-risk events such as COP26 in Glasgow in 2021.

It was billed as the UK's biggest security operation since the London Olympics and it passed without incident.

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